Commitment to Standards

  1. Charity Regulator – RCN 20141592. We are currently in the process of complying with new Charity Regulator governance code 2019-2021.
  2. Quality Assurance – we are currently going through HSE Safer Better Healthcare Standards process.
  3. Housing regulation – NHRC is an approved Housing Body AHB: NHR 1534 and are subject to annual reporting to the Housing Regulator.
  4. Conflicts of Interest – no paid employees, or people who receive regular payments for doing work for New hope, are board members, trustees or directors of our organisation.
  5. Transparency: we publish our accounts 2017 and Annual Report 2017 on our website, and have created a section of our website where we describe the impact of our work.
    • List the names of your trustees and how your organisation is governed.
  6. Communicate:we know that our beneficiaries and supporters are our most important stakeholders. We will proactively communicate with them to reassure them and assure that our organisation is well-governed, and that we comply with best practice. Layton Kelly or Áine Lebioda can be contacted to deal with queries and can be contacted at

See Our Guiding Principles Of Fundraising

Commitment to Standards in Fundraising Practice

The Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising provides Irish charities with good practice standards for fundraising. It was developed by a steering group set up in response to the Charities Act 2009 following extensive consultation with industry experts and stakeholders including charities, non-profit organisations, legal and financial advisors, donors and academics. This process is supported by the Charities Institute Ireland and supported by the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs.

New Hope is fully committed to achieving the standards contained within the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising as outlined in our Public Compliance Statement and our Donor Charter.

The statement exists to:

• Improve fundraising practice.
• Promote high levels of accountability and transparency by organisations fundraising from the public.
• Provide clarity and assurances to donors and prospective donors about the organisations they support.

We, New Hope Residential Centre, have considered the Statement and believe we meet the standards it sets out.

New Hope’s report on our fundraising activities is available in our most recent Annual Report which can be found here.

We welcome your feedback on our performance via any of the contact points provided below.

See our Feedback and Complaints Procedure here.

Write to:

Layton Kelly
New Hope Residential Centre
Kiltalown Cottage
D24 HOX6

Tel: 01 451 2346

If you would like to learn more information about New Hope Residential Centre, please use the form below or call 08 757 1859. We would love to hear from you!